1. Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16 2
  2. Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16 23
  3. Formulas In Microsoft Excel

Feb 24, 2015  Cannot resize Excel window Will Everett Posted 2013-12-30 14:10. I am unable to resize an Excel window. I can alternate between full screen and not full screen, but actually resizing the window is not possible (the mouse doesn't change cursor at the borders). In addition, I cannot move the non-maximized window. Starting the Manage. Nov 26, 2019  Debugging with Safari Web Inspector on a Mac. If you have add-in that shows UI in a task pane or in a content add-in, you can debug an Office Add-in using Safari Web Inspector. To be able to debug Office Add-ins on Mac, you must have Mac OS High Sierra AND Mac Office Version: 16.9.1 (Build 18012504) or later. Feb 02, 2016  Excel 2013 Resize a Table I need some help with resizing a table in Excel 2013. We have a sheet that is a table and we can filter and sort all the data but there is a line # 1-150 which is the first column on the left and we don't want those numbers to change when other data is sorted but it's currently part of the table. Microsoft Excel for Mac is the world’s most famous and widely used spreadsheet editing application.Originally developed by the Microsoft in 1987, this software received numerous expansions of capabilities, making it the go-to source for spreadsheet editing, use of graphing tools, pivot tables, macro programming, and much more. You can also resize a Table using the Table Tools, Design tab, Properties section, Resize Table icon. A Resize table dialog box will appear. You can change the data range for the table by typing the new range or by selecting it on the Excel worksheet. Microsoft Excel® Microsoft.


Because add-ins are developed using HTML and JavaScript, they are designed to work across platforms, but there might be subtle differences in how different browsers render the HTML. This article describes how to debug add-ins running on a Mac.

Debugging with Safari Web Inspector on a Mac

If you have add-in that shows UI in a task pane or in a content add-in, you can debug an Office Add-in using Safari Web Inspector.

Microsoft Excel for Mac is the world’s most famous and widely used spreadsheet editing application. Originally developed by the Microsoft in 1987, this software received numerous expansions of capabilities, making it the go-to source for spreadsheet editing, use of graphing tools, pivot tables, macro programming, and much more.

To be able to debug Office Add-ins on Mac, you must have Mac OS High Sierra AND Mac Office Version: 16.9.1 (Build 18012504) or later. If you don't have an Office Mac build, you can get one by joining the Office 365 Developer Program.

Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16

To start, open a terminal and set the OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras property for the relevant Office application as follows:

  • defaults write com.microsoft.Word OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true

  • defaults write com.microsoft.Excel OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true

  • defaults write com.microsoft.Powerpoint OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true

  • defaults write com.microsoft.Outlook OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool true

Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16 2

Then, open the Office application and sideload your add-in. Right-click the add-in and you should see an Inspect Element option in the context menu. Select that option and it will pop the Inspector, where you can set breakpoints and debug your add-in.


If you're trying to use the inspector and the dialog flickers, update Office to the latest version. If that doesn't resolve the flickering, try the following workaround:

  1. Reduce the size of the dialog.
  2. Choose Inspect Element, which opens in a new window.
  3. Resize the dialog to its original size.
  4. Use the inspector as required.
Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16

Clearing the Office application's cache on a Mac

Add-ins are often cached in Office for Mac, for performance reasons. Normally, the cache is cleared by reloading the add-in. If more than one add-in exists in the same document, the process of automatically clearing the cache on reload might not be reliable.

Microsoft word cannot be opened because of a problem mac. You can clear the cache by using the personality menu of any task pane add-in.

  • Choose the personality menu. Then choose Clear Web Cache.


    You must run macOS version 10.13.6 or later to see the personality menu.

You can also clear the cache manually by deleting the contents of the ~/Library/Containers/com.Microsoft.OsfWebHost/Data/ folder.

Remove microsoft outlook from mac. Re-title it by typing the new title in the text box.Create a nested folder.Select a folder in which you want to create a new folder.From the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the New Items button, and then choose Folder.The new folder will appear nested in the folder you selected in step 1 as Untitled Folder, with the name editable. Create a top-level folder.Select a folder at the same level where you want to create the new folder.From the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the New Items button, and then choose Folder at This Level.The new folder will appear as Untitled Folder, with the name editable.


Resize A Table In Microsoft Excel Mac Ver 16 23

If that folder doesn't exist, check for the following folders and if found, delete the contents of the folder:

Formulas In Microsoft Excel

  • ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.{host}/Data/Library/Caches/ where {host} is the Office host (e.g., Excel)
  • ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.{host}/Data/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/16.0/Wef/ where {host} is the Office host (e.g., Excel)
  • com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2/Data/Caches/com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2/
I'm having the same problem as well. I'm running 64-bit OpenSuSE 13.1. I have a three vertical monitor setup, and when I first open MS Word, it spans across all three screens, though not completely (goes from the middle of the left screen to the middle of the right screen, and only extends down about halfway. At any rate, when I FIRST open it and the window is this size, I CAN resize it and move it around. However, as soon as I maximize it, I lose that ability. Maximizing it sometimes snaps to the size of one of the screens, but sometimes not. I can not move it to another screen once it is maximized either, which I can do just fine with any other running program. If I then proceed to unmaximize (restore) it again, it can no longer be either resized or moved like I could do earlier. At this point, I ALSO lose the ability to maximize once again (it's like it things that it's still maximized at this point - if I right-click on the top bar of the window, it still gives me the option to restore (which does nothing), and the maximize option is greyed out).
I tried installing libXcomposite1-32bit, hoping that's the package you were referring to in the previous post, but of course that did nothing.
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