Sometimes the evil lurks in what’s supposed to be Word 2016’s main repository of sanity: the Normal template file. To fix the Normal template, you must delete it (or rename it) and then Word automatically builds a new, proper Normal template.

If you rebuild the Normal template, you’re removing any customizations you’ve added, macros you’ve created, or default settings you’ve modified. On the other hand, those changes may be causing your problem, so it’s time for a fix.

Changing your default settings in Word There may be certain settings in Word that get on your nerves, like default settings that you find yourself changing over and over—the paragraph spacing, the font size—each time you start a new document. If the behavior occurs in multiple documents, we recommend that you try to reset Microsoft Word to the program's default settings. How to reset user options and registry settings in Word. To have us reset user options and registry settings in Microsoft Word for you, go to the 'Here's an easy fix' section. Mar 28, 2013 Unfortunately, if you reset a Mac to factory settings, you will lose all the installed applications, including Microsoft Office, and it's not possible to change this. After restoring the iMac to factory settings, you will have to reinstall Microsoft Office. To reset the Mac to factory settings: 1. Apr 07, 2020  How do I restore Microsoft Word to original settings on Mac OS Catalina? I have up to date Mac OS Catalina with office 365, so previous instructions on how to revert ms word to factory settings do not work. Nov 29, 2017  To reset Word 2016 for Mac to the default settings, you can follow these steps: 1. Quit all Office applications. Open Finder and go to /Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Templates, move Normal.dotm to Desktop.

Run in Terminal app:ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL /dev/null; brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask 2 /dev/nulland press enter/return key.If the screen prompts you to enter a password, please enter your Mac's user password to continue. Install microsoft lync on mac. So just type your password and press ENTER/RETURN key. When you type the password, it won't be displayed on screen, but the system would accept it.

To have Word re-create the Normal template, follow these initial steps to rename the original file:

  1. Quit Word.
  2. Press Win+E to summon a File Explorer window.
  3. Click the Address box to select whatever name appears there.
  4. Press the Delete key to clear the Address box.
  5. Type %USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftTemplates.
    As you start typing AppData, you see hints appear below your typing. These hints help to direct you and confirm that you’re on the right track. Eventually, you see the Templates folder.
  6. Right-click on the Normal.dotm file.
    The file might show only the first part of the name, Normal.
  7. Choose the Rename command from the shortcut menu.
  8. Edit the name to Normal-old.dotm or Normal-old.
    If you can see the dotm part of the name, don’t change it.
  9. Press Enter to lock in the new name.
    Keep the File Explorer window open.
  10. Restart Word.
    You don’t need to do anything in Word, though you may notice that any problems you have related to the old Normal template are gone.
  11. Quit Word.
    In the File Explorer window, you see the rebuilt Normal.dotm file.

This trick may or may not work, and it does remove any modifications that you’ve made to Word. To restore the original Normal.dotm file, quit Word and rename the file back to Normal.dotm or Normal.

Microsoft word 2016 mac icons free. From there you'll be able to select one of the categories of icons and choose the icons you want to insert into your diagram.

  • Word stores its templates in the folder referenced by the pathname you type in Step 5. This location holds true for Word 16 and Office 365. Earlier versions of Word stored the template files in a different location.
  • The %USERPROFILE% thing is a Windows environment variable. It represents your account’s home folder on the PC’s primary storage device.

How To Reset Microsoft Word 2016 Settings Mac

Self Help
NOTE: These products are not supported by the Help Desk. This document is provided for self help purposes only. Please contact the manufacturer or system developer for help.

This document explains how to reset and back up Office 2008

  1. Ensure all Office applications are closed.
  2. Navigate to ~User/Library/Preferences folder and drag all the files to desktop that starts with (xxx=name of Office app)

  3. Additionally delete/Move following files:
    • Application/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist
    • ~ User/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist
  4. The user will be prompted to re-enter the product key the next time Word is used.
  5. If user is having problem with font then delete 'Office Font Cache (12)', located in the same folder as Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist.
  6. Office is now successfully reset.
  7. If all is well, trash the old file otherwise, quit all Office apps again, trash the new files and drag the original files back to where they belong.
Additional information on troubleshooting Microsoft Office fonts can be found here.

Reset Microsoft Word Settings Machine


How to enable automatic save in Microsoft Office 2008?

  1. Open Microsoft Word (or any other Office App).
  2. Hold Command and Comma key.
  3. System Preferences window would open.

  4. In System Preferences > Save > enable 'Always create a backup copy' and 'Save AutoRecover info every 2 Min'.

Template Backups


When newly blank document crashes, it is possible the problem persists in normal.dotm. Try renaming the existing normal.dotm to oldnormal.dotm and reopen word to recreate a new normal.dotm.

The location for normal.dotm are as follows:
  • Office 2008: ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/User Templates/Normal.dotm
  • Word 2004: ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Normal
  • Word X, Word 2001, Word 98: /Applications/Microsoft Office ***/Templates/Normal (where *** stands for your version of Office)

If by chance the normal.dotm location is changed, the normal.dotm can be located by opening Microsoft Office Word>Preferences>File Locations> dialog to confirm its location.

If the old normal.dotm is corrupt and there are customizations in old Normal that you don't want to lose – such as macros, AutoText, custom toolbars, and styles – you can transfer them from OldNormal to your new Normal using Organizer.

Restore customization from old Normal to new Normal

Reset Microsoft Word Settings Mac Mini

  1. Open Word
  2. Use File>Open to navigate to the template location noted above.
  3. Change the Show drop-down list to Word Templates.

  4. Choose Normal or Normal.dotm and click Open.

  5. Title Bar at the top of the Word window must show 'Normal' otherwise, repeat from step 1.

  6. Click on Tools>Templates and Add-ins dialog, click the Organizer button.

  7. Just below the left window, Organizer should be showing Styles available In: Normal (global template) Otherwise you've got the wrong one open. Start again from step 1.

  8. The right window of the Organizer should be blank. There is a Close File button below the left-hand window, and a Close File button below the right-hand window. Click the button on the right.

  9. You should now be able to see your old Normal Template in the directory; if you cannot, search until you find it. Choose it, and Open it.

  10. At the top of the Organizer dialog, above both windows, there is a row of tabs, one for each kind of resource the Organizer can copy. Click the tab for the kind of item you want to bring back. Let’s assume you want to bring your styles back: Click the Styles tab.

  11. Organizer now shows you a list of the items available within each kind (if you clicked the Styles tab in the previous step, you see a list of the styles in each template). The left window lists the items in your new template, the right window lists the items in the old template. In the right-hand window, choose the item(s) you want to restore. You can select more than one.

  12. Click copy
  13. Repeat for each additional kind of resource you wish to copy.
  14. Click Close File under both windows.
  15. Hold down your Shift key and choose Save All from the File menu. Save All does not appear unless you hold down your shift key.
  16. Quit Word and restart it (to force it to update its preferences).
  17. All the settings should be transfered.

Reset Microsoft Word Settings Mac Outlook

Keywords:Microsoft Office 2008, Reset, MacSuggest keywordsDoc ID:10168
Owner:Jeff W.Group:DoIT Help Desk
Created:2009-05-31 19:00 CDTUpdated:2019-08-21 13:20 CDT
Sites:DoIT Help Desk
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